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New Year, new... well, travel goals, right?

Posted by Tweed Holiday Parks

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So you’ve devoured your body weight in food, found it acceptable to start drinking at midday and watched Christmas movies on repeat.  That sounds like the holidays!

However, now that the leftover Christmas ham has disappeared and the wine has been polished off, it’s time to start looking towards the New Year.  A time to make a fresh start, reinvent yourself and start making your all-important resolutions. 

Whether you’re an avid traveller, or someone who rarely adventures, chances are one of your new year’s resolutions is to “travel more.” Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone. 

Resolutions involving travel are among the top five new year’s resolutions every year, and with the covid pandemic playing spoil sport to travel over the past few years, it seems the travel popularity is growing as people crave more and more the chance to get off the grid, unwind, relax, and explore the world beyond our daily routines. 

To help inspire you to keep your travel resolutions (or add more places to your bucket list), here are our top tips for successfully sticking to your New Year’s travel resolutions.

  • Check in on your bucket list – Year after year, many of us add travel destinations or activities to our bucket lists, promising ourselves that we will do all these cool things someday. But over time our needs and wants change.  The New Year may be a good time to get inspired by researching your own agenda. Ask yourself the big questions, where do I really want to go and what do I really want to discover?  This reaffirms your motivation and helps create accountability.
  • Build your travel fund –  Travelling can be an expensive hoby, however by reducing home expenses, you will be on your way to new, epic adventures. Open a specific savings account, set your travel saving goals and start recording your spendings.  Try leaving the car at home and walking or biking to work, buy in bulk and eat-in more often.  Brew your own and save on the takeaway coffee.  It is amazing how the little savings add up.
  • Plan weekend getaways – Start utilizing three-day weekends, or weekends in general by exploring your own backyard. If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, it’s that you don’t need to travel far to see the beauty in this world.  The Tweed has so many gems that are waiting to be discovered.  Throw your things in a bag, hitch up the van and take a quick weekend trip or a midweek escape to unwind, revitalise and relax.
  • Plan for your whole year of Travel NOW! – The key to fulfilling any New Year’s resolution is to plan ahead, make sure that it’s aligned with your personal goals, and go for it! So, pull out the calendar, look at your year ahead and start planning and booking your holidays. The number 1 reason? You are more likely to go.

No matter what excuses arise, if you dive into 2023 and prioritize travel, we promise you'll have more epic trips than you've ever had before.

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